Noon report:
- Location: S 38° 59.40′, E 147° 26.90′
- Speed: 10 knots
- Couse: 69º
- Weather: Blue Skies!
- Temp: 61º F, 16º C
- Wind: SW 3 knots
- Sea: Calm
Sadly, this will be a very short post. I’m busy studying for an upcoming board meeting so today’s activities (and writing about them) were very limited:
- 9:30 lecture on “Health, Wealth, and Politics in Contemporary Australia”
- 11:00 lecture on the efforts to establish a utopian community of Australians – in Paraguay
- Lunch then a brief visit to the art exhibition put on by the participants in the on-board art class
- 3:00 choir rehearsal
- 4:30 port talk on Sydney
- 6:30 lecture “What Has Whaling Done for Us?”
- 8:00 BBB – 14/28
- 9:00 Evening Show – “A Grand Viking Valentine” with commentary and performances by some of the on-board talent and others. A Great show.
- Return to our Stateroom:
Along the way we did get a couple of ‘food pics’:
Tomorrow we’re in Eden (the Australian version). We’re scheduled for an extended walking tour thru a national park so get ready for lots of tree photos.
Till then, R