Day 3 – 10/28/2019 – In and within in Norman

It’s been a quiet day in Norman…

Once we helped to deposit the grandsons at school (Jesse) and Carol’s Place (Spencer) Cheryl and I took the car and headed for the dealership in the City.

The task was to have a headlight bulb replaced. Neither Chis nor I were happy that this task required a trip to the dealership but we agreed that it was far better that they be tasked with this onerous chore. Whoever designed the engine compartment of the Subaru Forrester clearly didn’t think ahead.

That task completed we returned to the house and lounged around (except for a brief foray out to a Thai restaurant for lunch) until it was time to pick up the kids – first Jesse

Then Spencer

Today is Chris’s “late day” at school. His last class is an evening class so Nana and the boys fixed dinner for us.

Dinner included “Spiders and bugs” – baby hotdogs baked in Crescent Roll dough with pretzels for legs

After dinner it was time to carve pumpkins.

Finished products

By the time Daddy got home it was too late to get the candles and take a photo of the lit jacks. He promised to do that tomorrow and send us the pic.

Then it was bed time. Tomorrow we pack in the morning and fly in the afternoon.