Day 24 – July 12: Norman adventures

We started the morning by throwing the grandsons in the car and driving to the Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum in Seminole

While new to us, the kids had been there a couple of times in the past and knew where to go and what to do.

We started with the Fire Fighter’s display where Spencer got to “drive” the fire truck
And Jesse slid down the fire pole
Next we see Jesse pedaling the bicycle while the skeleton mimics his movements
There were fish
that fascinated both boys – just long enough for Papa to get a picture
And this amazing climbing structure with islands suspended by wires
Jesse felt right at home
Spencer is looking forward to the day when he can get past the first island

They also had a small train that took us on a tour of the grounds

where a black swan is in residence
And there were excellent sculptures of children at play

there was quite a bit more, but much of the rest is lost to history because Papa, faced with the choice of filming or playing…well…you get the picture.

Following a small lunch we loaded in the car and returned to Norman

where Jesse spiked a fever
and we spent a quiet afternoon playing with Spencer, napping, and generally enjoying air conditioned comfort

I’ve been told I’m to comment on food.


Dinner was take-out Thai – Yellow Curry, Spicy Beef, and spring rolls.  It was good.

On the morrow we begin the last leg of our Journey – Albuquerque, Price, HOME!


1 Comment

  1. lol. When I said “comment on food” I meant only on notable food. “It was good.” Your understatement is hilarious.

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