Costa Rica Christmas – Day 09 – 12/27/24 – Diamante Eco Adventure Park

From their blurb:
“Diamante is known for its exciting Zip Line course featuring the longest dual action zip line in the country and is home to a renowned Animal Sanctuary and one of the most beautiful Wildlife Education Centers in Costa Rica.”

Zip lines, Animal Sanctuary, Beach; What’s not to love?

So we presented ourselves at their daily opening (9:00) and immediately reported to the zip line equipment fitting room. (We being the Hunts, Kim, Jesse, Papa. Spencer, Chris, and Nana headed for the beach.)

Intrepid Flyers

After the safety briefing (and detailed instructions on how to hold your legs) we lined up and were off.

There were only 5 stations, but the longest (the superman zip) was over a mile long – what a rush!
They had photographers stationed at key points along the way. Here are a few more of what they captured.

While we were zipping around above Spencer played on the beach below.

It should be noted that Spencer is fighting some kind of bug and it was questionable whether he would come with us. He was feeling better at that point and a bit of sun/salt air/sand therapy might be a good thing for him.

At the end of the Zip Line course is a wild animal sanctuary – once again, animals not capable of survival in the wild are cared for and participate in educational programs. The zippers and the beachers met there and spent some time viewing animals (and hanging out in the butterfly garden).

Then it was off to a quick lunch before the Mighty Three took a horseback ride.

According to Kim ‘as they approached the beach the horses started to balk at the incoming tide and loud waves. So the guide in front grabbed her bridal and the guide in back grabbed Brian’s bridal and they led the horses onto the beach – leaving Cheryl to fend for herself. Kim’s analysis is that they figured out pretty quickly which of the three was the experienced horse person and that Cheryl wouldn’t need help managing on her own – which of course she didn’t (need help).’

While they were gone the rest of us hung out on the veranda and relaxed (translation, Papa took a nap).

By the time the cowboys got back the clouds were rolling in so Nana, Papa, and the Marshall-Binghams headed for the hills while the Hunts returned to the wildlife sanctuary to encounter a few more animals.

Back at the ranch we cooled off in Nana and Papa’s soaking pool while watching the wildlife. (Actually they were watching us. Someone – who shall remain nameless brought Cheetoes out tothe deck.)

On the way back from the Eco Park the Hunts stopped at a store and picked up a bunch of ground beef and fixin’s so dinner this evening was burgers.

The it was game time (the typical request is for a game called Worst Case) until time to rest up for tomorrow’s waterfall hike.

Till then,

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