2017 Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic

So…What do you do on the first Saturday in September at 0-dark-30?  Turn off the alarm and roll over?  Hardly!  It’s time to head to Ann Morrison park and catch the mass ascension a the annual hot air balloon festival.

Here are a few memories of the morning:

Balloons over Boise
First you lay the balloon (actually they call it an envelope) out. Then you turn on the big fan to blow air into it.
When it’s full of air you turn on the burner
Which heats up the air inside and makes it “stand up”
Then it’s ready to launch


And launch they did

There were several “special shapes” balloons including the two-faced clock (named “Tic-Toc”

Darth Vader (you’ve already seen Yoda)
The Liberty Bell
Road Runner

a really cute owl
And the Piranha

And for the record, I was there too.